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jet stream 1.急流,噴流。2.【航空】噴射氣流,噴流。

jet vane

We can use the mm5 model in definite time , definite area weather forecasting . we conclude that : : the moving route of this necw in its developing progress was direct - south along latitude , the cold air is rough , and just this made the rough vertical velocity ; the necw southern moving and conflicting with the west pacification sub - tropical high makes rough jet steam . the plenty south - west warm and wet air made by the jet stream gave the rainstorm demanded vapor ; . the rough vertical velocity by jet stream is a main reason in this rainstorm ; the mm5 model uses four - direction analysis data as its input , this avoids some errors occurred in observe and transfer , thus made the result more useful 綜合分析認為: ( 1 ) 、這次冷渦在其發生發展過程中,其移動路徑是沿經圈直線南壓,攜帶的冷空氣勢力較強,形成槽后較強的垂直運動; ( 2 ) 、西太平洋副熱帶高壓偏北位置與東北冷渦南壓形成的急流軸,把源源不斷的西南暖濕氣流輸送到遼西地區,也就是急流軸的左前方位置,為這次暴雨的產生提供了充足的水汽來源; ( 3 ) 、低空急流不但為暴雨輸送水汽,其造成的較強的垂直環流也是產生強降水的一個主要原因; ( 4 ) 、 mm5模式以四維同化資料作為初始場,最大限度地避免了觀測誤差可能造成的積分不穩定,提高了模擬結果的參考價值。

The analysis for the evolution of the upper westerly field , north - south wind field show that the upper jet stream is a good indication to sandstorm - occurring areas , the strong sandstorm appears at the right side of the entry domain of the jet stream and the ascension domain of secondary circulation 對高空東西風場、南北風場的演變進行分析,發現高空急流對沙塵暴發生區有很好的指示作用,強沙塵暴位于200hpa高空急流入口區右側、 500hpa正渦度中心下風方和次級反環流的上升區域內。

The windshear and turbulence warning system wtws was not able to warn the windshear associated with the elevated low level jet since the system used the lowest elevation scan 0 . 6 deg of the tdwr to calculate the windshear , which did not intercept the jet stream within the warning area 因為wtws利用tdwr的最低仰角0 . 6度掃描來計算風切變,而該掃描在警報范圍內未遇到急流,所以這系統未能就這低空急流引起的風切變發出警報。

Jet stream is an elongated belt of high speed air , typically found in upper tropospheric westerly flow round the globe . a jet stream may stretch over tens of thousands of kilometres in length from west to east and a few hundred kilometres in width from north to south 高空急流是圍繞地球的一條強而窄的高速氣流帶,集中在對流層上部或平流層中,在中高緯西風帶內或在低緯度地區都可出現。

Consequently , strong wind shears exist on the periphery of a jet stream , both vertically and horizontally . in long - haul air travel , pilots may actually choose to ride the jet streak to save fuel and reduce flight time 相反,若航道配合的話(一般是由西至東飛行) ,飛行員往往會騎上高空急流,以利用它的高速氣流去大大縮短飛行時間以及節省燃料。

The flow of air in a jet stream can be likened to a fast - flowing river . where the fast - flowing river meets slow - moving water near the banks , waves and swirls are often generated 空氣在高空急速流動,就好像水在猛急河流中流動一樣,當猛急的河水遇上河岸旁緩緩的水流時,便會產生波浪和漩渦。

And the dv of lower - level systems , e . g . , jet stream , is among the intermediate changes happening after the dv is displayed in the meiyu pressure field 低空急流等系統的日變化是梅雨天氣系統內,低層氣壓場形勢出現日變化后發生的眾多中間變化過程之一。

The black thick lines with wind barbs indicate the location of jet streams and their maximum speeds , while the dash lines outline possible cat areas 圖中有風羽的黑色粗線顯示高空急流的位置及最大風速,而虛線則描繪出有可能出現晴空湍流的區域。

On a 200 - hpa map , regions with wind speed exceeding 150 km per hour are highlighted with colours to mark the location of jet stream 在200百帕斯卡的高空急流圖中,風速大于每小時150公里的區域會涂上不同的顏色,以清楚標示高空急流的位置。

The red line marks an area with winds exceeding 80 knots around 150 kilometres per hour , revealing where the jet stream was at that level 圖中紅線標志風速超過80海里約每小時150公里的區域,即該高度的高空急流所在。

Further research shows that the form of meso - scale vortex pole is relate to the coupling of upper and lower jet streams , and dry intrusion 進一步研究表明中尺度渦柱的形成與高、低空急流耦合和干侵入有關。

3 . synoptic meteorology : the general circulation ; air masses ; fronts ; tropopause ; jet stream ; fog ; local winds ; severe local storms 3 .天氣學:大氣環流氣團鋒對流層頂急流霧地方性風強烈地方性風暴。

The low - level jet stream is the result of the spread of the momentum from the upper - level jet stream 低空急流是高空急流的動量向下輸送的結果。低空急流的生成先于水汽及降水的爆發。

The low - level jet stream has three vibration processes , which corresponded to the three lows “ beginning and developing 低空急流有三次脈動過程,與三個低渦的產生和發展對應。

Image of the jet streaming from the galactic center of the galaxy m87 taken with the hubble space telescope 哈勃太空望遠鏡所拍攝由m87星系中心噴出的噴流。

She watched a jet stream grow wider and blur as its thin end rose higher into the blue sky 見到有一股飛機的飛行云變寬,變模糊,此時它的細端升入了藍天。

Jet stream laser 射流雜料激光器

Jet stream streamline 高空急流及流線

A jet stream is a narrow band of strong winds several kilometres above ground 高空急流是距離地面數公里高的狹窄強風帶。